Margus Joa,

Email footer– please find and download your Fleet/Mobility EXEX 2018 email footer to attract your clients attention

  • Logo -> 01.03.2019
    Please confirm us can we use this logo at 2019 Fleet/Mobility event series. Partner logo is being used extensively in forum communication, in alignment of the logo usage rules. It is also a visible component in the stage design.

    Program design and partner speaker -> 01.03.2019
    Partner is entitled to consult and influence the program of the event, to suggest topics and speakers and have ones own representative in the program. Please let us know speakers name, surname, organisation full name and speakers contacts to support the speaker in choosing the topic and make the interview agreements.

    Invitees -> 01.03.2019
    We provide a shortlist of most prominent clients to be invited to each EXEX event and partner have the right to influence the target group by adding their own clients and prospects to the invitee list (up to 100 new entries).

    Fleet Mobility EXEX Riga 2018 (web) (1)

    Contact Point Table design -> 1.03.2019
    For each partner organiser produces a physical contact point, a stand, that consists of the high table (h=110cm, d=70cm) equipped with the branded PVC cover and a LCD-monitor (55′). Partner is expected to provide the design for the PVC-cover in size of 2000mm X 1100mm as a PDF file. In designing the cover please note that cover will be bended around the table and fastened at the back with ca 100mm overlap.

    Contact point presentation -> 01.03.2019
    Contact Point features a LCD-screen that partner representatives can use for .ppt presentations, demos, showing a video ad or a corporate movie (without sound, subtitles recommended) or other visual materials that enforce the messages of the partner. It will be on the LCD screen all day long. Partner is expected to produce such a material or provide an organiser with already existing material. The material should have the screen ratio of 16:9 and following formats are preferred: .ppt; .mov; .mpeg; .jpg.

  • Fleet Mobility EXEX, Riga 2017 (web) (11)

    Top Tips Sheet -> 01.03.2019
    Forum toolbox acts as a handout material of the forum. In cooperation with Partner speaker(s) we gather 10 top tips that will be printed on a sheet that will be included to the Toolbox folder. In addition to advice this sheet features photo(s) of the speaker(s), short intro to the topic and back page for notes. Organiser will design and print this sheet.

    Value Proposition Sheet -> 01.03.2019
    Partner has a right to include one Value Proposition Sheets to the forum toolbox. Compared to regular advertisement the Value Proposition Sheet could consist of more targeted offering taking into account particular audience and their interest. Value Proposition Sheet is designed by the Partner and produced by the organiser. The requirements for the sheet(s) are:
    • 2 sided, 200mm X 200mm, 5mm bleed
    • 4/4 colours, PDF file

    Partner participants-> 01.03.2019
    Package entitles free partner participants at all the events, including the people working at the contact point. Please send your participants list for Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius events, in the following format: Name, Surname, Organisation full name.

    Road Transport EXEX Vilnius 2018 (web) (197)